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5 Fruit Combos You Should Start Your Day With

Fruit is the perfect food for your health. It’s the easiest for our bodies to digest, and our system has to do almost nothing to break it down. These healthy snacks are great for you, but we should consume them when they are ripe to properly digest them and use them for energy.

Think of all the colors, shapes, and textures of fruit as different antioxidants and phytonutrients to load up on. And then include a variety of fruits in your diet to take advantage of all the benefits they offer — from fighting colds and warding off inflammation to making your skin glow and your hair shiny.

Instead of sitting down to a piece of toast or an egg white omelet tomorrow morning, do something amazing for your health and indulge in one of these delicious fruit plates. Check out these fruit combos and try to add them into your diet!

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