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5 Common Foods That Aggravate Your Psoriasis

Frozen dinners and fast food

Frozen foods contain heavily processed ingredients. Keep in mind that these foods are highly processed and have been linked to increased inflammation in the body. If you suffer from psoriasis, refined sugar and flours should be avoided.



Apparently, there’s a connection between obesity and psoriasis. For instance, Dr. Jerry Bagel, a New Jersey-based board-certified dermatologist and a recognized expert in the treatment of psoriasis explains that, “Specific molecules secreted from fat cells [can] make psoriasis even worse,” which is why weight management and the avoidance of empty, high-caloric beverages (i.e., soda and mixed cocktails) is vital to any psoriasis patient’s eating regimen.


White bread

25 percent of psoriasis patients suffer from gluten sensitivity. Patients with gluten sensitivity showed significant improvement in psoriasis symptoms when adhering to a gluten-free diet. So, stick to a gluten-free diet and remember to always listen to your doctor.

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