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6 Super Healthy Seeds to Include in Your Diet


Like hemp seeds, flax seeds contain ALA, a type of omega-3 found in plants. They’re also rich in minerals including magnesium, manganese, and thiamin, says Halas-Liang. Halas-Liang likes mixing ground flax with breadcrumbs to make a crispy coating for lean protein (she makes tofu nuggets). One caveat: Grinding starts to break down the oils in the seeds, so store ground flax (or any ground seed, for that matter) in the fridge or freezer.



These Asian-food staples are an excellent source of calcium and a good source of bone-building phosphorus. The less common black variety tend to taste a tad more bitter, but contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that have been shown to have benefits for memory and heart health. Try them atop avocado toast or blended into a quick homemade tahini.


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