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5 Healthy Snacks to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

There a lot of different diets out there for various reasons. These reasons are tied to health, values, and morality. No matter your dietary preferences, snacking with mindfulness and awareness is important. This should go without saying.

However, no matter your diet, fruits and vegetables should be the number one choice! Fruits and vegetables are essential and key for a healthy life and body. When a little variation is needed, incorporating exciting, tasty, and healthy snacks can still be good for your weight loss goals. Let’s get into a few snacks for your dietary need/preference and your weight loss goals!

Rice Crackers and Cheese

Rice crackers are usually made with brown rice which is a great fiber and carbohydrate source. Fiber makes you feel full for longer. Cheese has so many essentials: calcium, protein, and vitamins A and B. Paired together, rice crackers and cheese can help you get there with the combination of protein, fiber, carbs, and vitamins.

Weight loss tip: Remember that this is a snack. Always go with the serving recommendation on the label. It is much easier to track calories and fat.

Boiled Chicken Breast Topped with Lemon Juice, Ginger, and Pepper

Chicken is a good source of protein and one of the cleaner and leaner meats to eat. Chicken breast also aids in the reduction of cardiovascular disease but also contributes to muscle development and muscle growth.

Snacking on boiled chicken can aid you in your weight loss journey. Topping with lemon juice, pepper, and ginger is very impactful flavor combination but also a wonderful anti-inflammatory combination.

Weight loss tip: Emphasis is placed on chicken breast because white meat chicken has less fat than dark meat chicken. Fatty meats will hurt you in trying to achieve your goal. The golden rule- be mindful of your choices.


Having soup for a snack can contribute significantly to your weight loss goal. Soup is hearty, filling, and more appealing than water to many (water is so necessary so please do not replace water with soup, still drink water!).

You sip/drink soup slower than water and because of that, soup is known for staying in your system much longer, making you feel fuller for longer. That means, less eating!

Weight loss tip: Be mindful of sodium/salt/msg. High levels of sodium in a diet alters the metabolism and a healthy metabolism is key for fat absorption.

Tuna Salad

Tuna is high in potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps maintain blood pressure and blood flow; it also counteracts sodium. Additionally, it is high in vitamin B and low in calories and fat.

Weight loss tip: Be mindful of how you eat your tuna. Be cautious of the amount of mayonnaise used. The best way to snack on tuna is with a fork (so you can eat slowly and mindfully).

Steamed Shrimp

Shrimp has so many health benefits and can truly aid you in your weight loss goals. Shrimp is super low in calories and very protein rich. Shrimp is really a combination of protein and water; you won’t find fatty pockets on shrimp. As a snack, shrimp will provide so many vitamins and minerals with the added benefit of feeling completely satisfied.

Weight loss tip: Be mindful of the serving size and mindful of the seasoning that you use. Seasonings high in sodium will alter the amazing benefits. Consider using lemon juice, ginger, and garlic.


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