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Avoiding Fake Coronavirus Health Advice Online – 7 Things You Need to Know

Photo By Kunst Bilder From Shutterstock

With the recent news of an Arizona man and his wife attempting to self-medicate for the novel coronavirus by taking chloroquine phosphate, it’s about time to discuss the less than helpful health advice that is sweeping online platforms, news-stands and even from the office of the president. The man has unfortunately passed away and his wife is now under critical care.

As health experts race to develop a cure for coronavirus (or Covid-19), many pre-existing drugs are undergoing trials to assess their viability in treating this latest viral outbreak. So, let’s have a look at some of the false health advice out there ranging from useless but relatively harmless, to downright dangerous.

In times like these, it is more important than ever to stay well informed. So, we have gone through all the misinformation propagating online to give you the best advice to keep you and your family safe.

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2 thoughts on “Avoiding Fake Coronavirus Health Advice Online – 7 Things You Need to Know”

  1. Re: Homemade sanitiser: You can use vodka, but it must be over-proof (151 or 75.5% alcohol)
    Use : 2/3 c. overproof vodka (or 60+% rubbing alcohol) and 1/3 c. aloe vera gel or veg.based glycerin
    (I mix the two for the 1/3 cup).

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