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5 Easy Ways to Achieve a Healthier Lifestyle This Year

This holiday season can be a total disaster for our bodies, due to its festive meals, not to mention the tone of sugar cookies we all love. These days will pass immediately, and we will end up on January 1st with a round belly and an unhealthy body. Don’t wait for 2018 to come for a healthier life style, you can start right now with your goals whether you are aiming to slim down or eat more mindfully. So, here are five healthy ways to focus on your goals and to achieve that healthy life style you want so badly.

Think twice

Alcohol is a major factor that is linked to food, because many of us tend to eat something that suits a particular drink. Alcohol is caloric, and it can act as a stimulant when it comes to your appetite. This combo isn’t healthy for you and the more you drink, the more you eat, because of your lack of energy after a drinking night. So, re-think your drink before you order it.

Up your H2O

For a better metabolism, you need to know that water tends to curb your appetite. By upping your water intake, you can flush out excess sodium, that will help you de-bloat and get your lazy digestive system moving. Try to drink 2-2.5 liters a day this holiday season and if you don’t like plain water, you can infuse it with veggies, herbs, spices and fruits.

Opt for a healthier breakfast

As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t skip it. A study looked at 49 people with ages between 21 and 60 who were asked if they eat breakfast or if they don’t eat until mid-day for about six weeks and researchers found out that eating breakfast can regulate blood sugar and can protect against chronic illnesses. So, you better start your day with a healthy choice like an herb, veggie and avocado omelet or with one of your favorite smoothie.


For a healthy kickstart start cooking for yourself, take charge of your portions. For example, you can steam some veggies to toss into a Chinese dish. Achieve your healthy life style by creating a better balance of your diet and intaking nutrients and fiber.

Consider your splurges carefully

No doubt that this holiday season will be as a classic one, but after this week, many of us regret certain foods, because they aren’t worth it. So, start pre-think your food options, if they are worthy or not. You can even make a scale from 0 to 5, with 0 being “not really” and 5 being “can’t wait” and if something doesn’t rate at least at 4, pass. Saying no to something is not deprivation, is respect for your body and life.


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