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11 Completely Bizarre Spa Treatments You Won’t Believe Are Real

Photo by from Shutterstock

Snake Massage

We don’t know how wellness-related this method can be, but we assume it’s not very much. People that would happily try this “treatment” can be either adrenaline junkies or people who just want to conquer their fear of snakes.

Either way, it’s weird. But for some reason, snake massages are real and quite popular among some people. Basically, this technique implies laying a boa constrictor on your body for 30 minutes or more.

The snakes, obviously, need to be well fed before the process begins, so the human menu can be out of the question. If you’re wondering why do people enjoy it, it may be because it feels like a big hug. The pressure of the snake’s body releases endorphins and oxytocin and it’s considered to be relaxing.

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