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10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Enough

Photo by Alliance Images from Shutterstock

Most times, it’s simply not enough to haphazardly rub that generic bar of soap across your body. The reason is pretty obvious, however, there are certain body parts that require more attention than others, and that’s because we often forget about them.

So, these are the parts that you should be lathering up regularly to keep them clean, fresh, and free of potentially harmful bacteria. (Click on the next page to find them!)

We’ll give you a bit of a heads up next…..

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21 thoughts on “10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Enough”

  1. Great overview of keeping your body particularly your toes ears back and feetph

    Great overview of keeping your body particularly your toes ears back and feet

  2. Don’t forget in between the toes! Good article! Should have mentioned the very personal area at the leg juncture. Also, at 360lbs..I recommend the big people using a hand towel with good texture for scrubbing. Soap it up and drape it over your back. It will be long enough to give you a grip with both hands that makes it easy to scrub ones’ back well. (Over the shoulder and side to side.) Well, take care.

  3. That’s a excellent information about using the hand towels for us bigger people. I will have to remember that next time. THANKS 🙂

  4. I’ll print this out ant give it to my teen age son….
    I use a “back brush” – a long handled brush for my back and hard to reach places. The brushes sold at Walmart are good quality – durable.

    1. Yep – with a “Made in China” label on it…99.9% of all of the items sold at Walfart is made in China as we speak.

  5. For us women with large breasts, wash underneath use plenty of soap and water, but pat dry. I’ve found as we age the skin under our breasts is thinner more delicate there. I use a blow dryer set on warm, and blow dry the area, and skin isn’t irritated . Don’t forget those armpits, I rather use a blow dryer, sometimes those little hairs you think you’ve taken care get upset if you use a towel, I’ve been there.

  6. Also for larger people, if you have folds of skin below the tummy area, make sure you wash well in the folds too. Similar situation as mentioned earlier about larger breasted woman. Dry well and perhaps add a bit of corn starch powder to keep it dry throughout the day. There are products out that can be used in those areas to avoid friction rubs that irritate the skin and then may require a bit of hydrocortisone cream to calm the irritation down if you didn’t use the friction rub cream and the skin became irritated.

  7. I am a large breasted woman and I also have a fold on my stomach. I have endured breakouts at these places in hot weather when I sweat. I have discovered that if I use an antipersperant in these areas that it takes care of the problem.

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