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Easy Methods to Get Rid of Your Headaches

You have often headaches and you are tired to take so many pills? Some persons are accustomed with those headaches, but when a tough headache strikes, you feel hopeless. The pain it’s so bad, that you can’t endure it and the first thing you do, it’s to take an ibuprofen or an aspirin. But did you know that you can get rid of those painful headaches without medication? You must be thankful that these easy Eastern methods exists! They can help you to get rid of those upsetting headaches. First you must know that there are different types of headaches such as migraine, a pain which causes you nausea and visual change or cluster, a pain which it’s in the one eye area. Here are some methods to get rid of those annoying headaches.

The YinTang Point


This point it’s in the middle of your forehead and it’s also called Ajna center. This pain it’s the most common one. So, if you want to get rid of the headache, just press on your Yin Tang Point using your index and middle fingers. Wait a few minutes, if it doesn’t work so good, do it again, but with pressure.

The Zan Zhu Points

This pain it’s in the inside of each of your eyebrows. Use almost the same method as above, using both thumbs. This method will give you pain relief.

The YingXiang Points

This method can also reduce stress, tension and open up your sinuses. It’s very useful when you have had a hard day at work.

The Tian Zhu Points

This method it’s used for many years by Eastern practitioners for relieving the pain. Tian Zhu points are located where head meets neck, to be more specific, these points are located where the hairline begins.


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