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6 Causes of Dry Skin (and What to Do About It)

Photo by bernardbodo from Envato Elements

1. Winter weather

Dry winter air is probably the number one factor of dry skin. When the humidity level drops, it shows up on our outer layer. And this happens because the water found in your skin evaporates faster when the air is dry and cold, leading to a tight and dry appearance on your skin.

How to banish dry skin during winter: Always wear gloves and scarves to cover your hands and face. Also, make sure to apply a moisturizing lotion that contains the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid
  • ceramides
  • glycerin
  • urea
  • antioxidants

Here’s a good option your skin may need this winter!

P.S.: Apply moisturizer when your skin is still damp after showering and avoid as much as possible extra hot water—it’s a no-no for your skin.

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