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7 Surprising Things Doctors Can Tell Just By Looking at You

Photo by Oleg Gekman / Shutterstock

White eyes can indicate that you are healthy

If you have white eyes it means that you are lucky and your health condition is good. 

“When someone has bright, dewy skin, clear sclera – or whites of their eyes – is alert when I am speaking to them and grasps things, and of course if they have an easy smile, clear voice tone, then they appear healthy,” said Dr. Guanche.

But if you have dark circles it could mean that you are sick. “If there are rings under the eyes and their skin looks pale, these are important visual cues that something else may be going on internally,” Dr. Rosenthal says.

Puffy eyes can also mean that your kidney is not in good condition. “Puffiness around the eyes suggest allergies, kidney disease, or a sluggish thyroid. Kidney disease can lead to loss of proteins, which hold the fluids in the blood vessels. When albumin is low, fluid leaks out into the tissue, therefore giving off a swollen look,” said Dr. Petre.

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