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10 Common Beverages You Should Avoid

Zero-Calorie, Artificially Sweetened Beverages

If a seemingly-healthy product seems to tasty to be true, it probably is. From sport drinks to iced teas and sodas, each of these commonly encountered beverages contains chemicals, artificial colorings and sweeteners that mess with your brain and body in no time. Most of all, these so-called healthier drinks ruin the balance of good bacteria in your gut, which is crucial for weight regulation.

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10 thoughts on “10 Common Beverages You Should Avoid”

  1. SOUNDS TO ME….there is not a lot of good anything to drink…so I will just say thanks for the INFO! and I will carry on my journey to dehydration….just kidding I for sure do not drink a lot of those things BUT THEN THERE SOME I DO….oh well…

  2. Switched to organic and drink very little of the liquids in question YEARS ago! We notice a marked difference in organic and processed.

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