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26 Medical Reasons Why Your Chest Hurts

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Mental health-related cause: Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks are no joke at all. The chest pain associated with it is often described as a needle-like pain. However, people who have anxiety attacks may also experience sweating, difficulty breathing, sweating, lightheadedness, nausea, as well as heart palpitations.

And although the vast majority of them are also heart attack symptoms, people shouldn’t confuse them. When it comes to anxiety attacks, the pain associated is a needle-like feeling, while heart attacks seem to feel more like a pressure-like sensation.

When an anxiety attack strikes, the person who experiences it is most likely really nervous. Try to calm down and relax. Think about something positive and stress-free! If nothing helps, contact a psychologist.

Mental health-related cause: Panic Attack

Experiencing stabbing pain is often reported as a panic attack symptom. Accompanied by difficulty breathing and rapid heartbeat, panic attacks occur all of a sudden. And although it’s a short-term event (a couple of minutes), it can be tragic in certain scenarios, such as driving your car.

Panic attacks have many symptoms, but the most common ones include:

  • a racing heart
  • chest pain
  • trouble breathing
  • dizziness

Doctors generally recommended psychological therapy.

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