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5 Supplements That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

Photo by twenty20photos from Envato Elements

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral that helps the overall body function. In conformity with several studies, this mineral can help stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that is responsible for relaxing the blood vessels.

Besides that, magnesium can help combat depression, promote heart health, help by stabilizing healthy blood sugar levels, improve mood swings, and can even help avoid migraines.

If these reasons for consuming magnesium haven’t convinced you already, there are a few studies that might do it. For example, a review of 11 studies showed that people who were diagnosed with chronic health conditions consumed magnesium in proportions of 365–450 mg per day for an average period of 3 to 4 months. By doing so, they have managed to significantly reduce their blood pressure.

Moreover, another review of 10 studies showed that every 100-mg of magnesium taken in a day was related to a 5% cutback of high blood pressure possibility.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a nutrient that is essential for your body. Even though this water-soluble nutrient was just recently linked to this medical condition we have previously talked about, it has been found that it can actually be helpful.

For instance, in conformity with a review of 8 studies in people who are diagnosed with this health affection, taking between 300 to 1000 mg of vitamin C daily can drastically reduce their symptoms’ levels.

People who don’t have an optimum daily intake of vitamin C are more likely to experience high blood pressure than those who consume it regularly.

If you didn’t know that by now, we have a great tip for you! Vitamin C is also a mineral used in the beauty industry, due to its anti-aging properties! It can help brighten your skin, clear out dark spots, and it can improve your skin tone and texture!

3. CoQ10

CoQ10 is the short name of coenzyme Q10, a vitamin that is used for many things such as reducing headaches, helping with fertility and diabetes, and keeping the skin looking young and plump.

Besides all these benefits mentioned above, CoQ10 is also used for improving and reducing systolic blood pressure, in conformity with a review of 17 studies.

However, scientists have to do more research to make sure that this molecule is actually helpful!


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