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8 of the Most Surprising Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Eating ‘Healthy’ Foods

A study from Yale University concluded that if you think of your diet meals as light choices, your brain will create more ghrelin. This is a hormone that makes you feel full and makes your metabolism slow down. In order to maintain your diet balanced, focus more on the nuts or cheese on your salad as indulgent, not the salad itself – this way, your body will know what and how to store as fat.

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3 thoughts on “8 of the Most Surprising Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight”

  1. My experiance indicates the reduction in sugar intake causes almost an immediate weight loss. Hard to maintain for chocolate lovers but if you are serious, a must .

  2. I ran into a woman who ordered her groceries delivered. That way she didn’t over buy. She just got what was on her list.

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