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11 Symptoms of Leukemia Most People Tend to Ignore

Photo by BlurryMe from Shutterstock

Also known as cancer of the blood cells, leukemia leads to abnormal production of certain blood cells. Leukemia is actually the most common type of cancer in children and teens, but it doesn’t mean it can’t occur in adults, too. There are actually two types of leukemia: chronic leukemia and acute leukemia.

The latter one progresses really quickly; the other type, chronic leukemia, progresses more slowly. Leukemia can be easily diagnosed with a complete blood count. However, most patients said they were forced to go to the doctor due to several signs and symptoms.

If you experience or spot any of the following signs and symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have leukemia. Most leukemia symptoms are the same as other symptoms caused by many different conditions and diseases.

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