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10 Common Things That Increase Your Risk Of Diabetes

Choosing Sugary Drinks

What can be worse than eating lots of calories? Well, drinking them – at least that’s what Harvard researchers found. The main point is that sweet drinks such as soda or sweet tea are basically made of sugar, which means they have no nutritional value whatsoever. However, they do offer plenty of ’empty calories’ that increase the risk of diabetes considerably. In other words, when you’re thirsty, just drink some water.

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2 thoughts on “10 Common Things That Increase Your Risk Of Diabetes”

  1. I agree . I am type 1 diabetic on Metformen but I also control what I eat and drink. I do not use sugar I use Stevia which is all natural. I avoid sugar and things that contain sugar . Once in a while I will allow myself some sugar. I check my sugar daily and run between 110 and 120.

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