Sure, headaches can result from lots of different issues, but if you’re getting them regularly, try drinking a couple glasses of water. If they go away shortly thereafter, you might have found the culprit – dehydration.
Sure, headaches can result from lots of different issues, but if you’re getting them regularly, try drinking a couple glasses of water. If they go away shortly thereafter, you might have found the culprit – dehydration.
Getting your daily dose of calcium isn’t just important when you’re young. Calcium helps with muscle function, works to regulate your heartbeat and nerve signals, and aids in preventing blood
If you don’t get enough protein, your health and body may suffer. You probably know that proteins are the main building blocks of your body because they are used to
Your skin may be telling you more about your health than you realize. No matter what changes in the skin you experience (from new growths to discolorations) they can often
Day by day, more and more people are deciding to exclude gluten from their diets, a group of proteins that is found in grains such as rye, barley, and wheat.
It’s time to say goodbye to sweet summer berries and juicy watermelon but there are plenty of healthy superfoods to reach for in the fall. Skip the usual pumpkin spice
Enamel, the hard outer coating that protects the other layers of your teeth, is covered in microscopic gaps. When food and drink particles get stuck in those gaps, it forms
Inefficiencies in the digestion system can cause discomfort in the form of gas, bloating, cramping and other uncomfortable side effects of indigestion. Our body needs essential vitamins to function properly,
Modifiable risk factors can be addressed through the means of early intervention to reduce chances of developing dementia during old age. By studying data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS),
When a friend or family member is struggling, our natural instinct is to take action and give them what we consider “helpful” advice. But here’s how to help someone with
After dealing with an unprecedented year, the news regarding vaccination came like a breath of fresh air for all of us. Maybe by summer 2021, everything will get back to
How healthy do you think you are? Every choice you make has a huge impact on your health. From unwrapping a pack of cigarettes to eating a second slice of
When you’re exhausted, you might instinctively grab a cup of coffee or something sweet. However, there are many healthy foods that can give you the energy boost you need to
Just because you’re not too sad and listless to get out of bed doesn’t mean you may not be depressed. Here’s what you need to know about high-functioning depression. You
President-elect Joe Biden just twisted his ankle while playing with his dog, Major. And while we may think that he’s not in tip-top shape considering his age (78), according to
When your immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles, appears this type of hair loss named alopecia, which is an umbrella term for many other types of hair loss. The
The no. 1 killer on the planet is heart disease, which accounts for one in four deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What makes heart disease
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