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You Need to Stop Believing These Myths About Carbs

Myth: Carbs leave you drained and foggy-brained

Truth: Every cell in the body uses carbohydrates for energy. When the brain can’t access the carb glucose for energy—like in a low-carb diet—it turns to ketones from fats instead. But a 1995 study in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders found that burning ketones instead of glucose leads to impaired brain function. Just like athletes load up on carbs before an event, you can turn to carbs several times a day to keep your energy up in your hectic life, Dr. McDougall says.


Myth: Avoiding gluten is healthy for everyone

Fact: Gluten-free products might be popping up more and more in grocery stores, but that doesn’t mean they’ll give you a health benefit. Less than 1 percent of people who eat a Western diet have celiac disease, McDougall’s research has found. Unless you have gluten intolerance, there’s no dietary need to eliminate gluten. And many people who have self-diagnosed themselves with a gluten intolerance could be wrong.


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