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8 Health Benefits of Marijuana That Are Medically Proven

Marijuana helps regulate your weight

If you thought smoking makes you overeat and gain weight, you’re wrong. The National Center of Biotechnology compared a variety of studies and found that smoking reefer is not directly connected to calorie intake. Cannabis users actually have a lower body mass index and smaller waistlines, suggesting that weed can actually help regulate appetite and calorie intake in most individuals.

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7 thoughts on “8 Health Benefits of Marijuana That Are Medically Proven”

  1. I was wondering if it helped relieve the muscle pain, and dystonia connected to Parkinson’s Disease. I was diagnosed around 6 yrs. ago.

  2. it helps me with nausea, inflammation, overall body muscle discomfort, and insomnia. That is just what I am aware of. However, I no longer intake to just ‘party’ and use more controlled doses to heighten mood and the to facilitate the aforementioned factors.

  3. CBD has helped me with arthritis issues. muscles and nerves lighten up it appears as far as pain thresholds. anxiety issues. this also eliminates cancer cells.

    THC helps with insomia and kills cancer cells as well as tumor cells.

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