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12 Things You Should Never Do at the Gym

There is a certain unspoken etiquette that comes into play the second you walk into a gym, ready to sweat. Still, we’ve all been there: watching someone text endlessly while hogging a piece of equipment or rolling our eyes at the that is-this-ever-going-to-end selfie taker. Avoid irritating your fellow sweat-seekers by skipping out on these annoying gym habits.

1. Don’t leave your equipment everywhere.

This is not your bedroom. The last thing anyone wants to do is pick up a dumbbell that’s covered in someone else’s sweat. Clean up after yourself!

2. Avoid texting while using equipment.

While you’re busy making plans for tonight, someone else is standing by trying to be productive with their sweat strategy. Your conversation can wait until you’re done with the weights. Research even found that texting during exercise impacted balance and stability by 45 percent, compared to not using a phone.

3. Try not to check your smartwatch during a dark workout class.

The data will be there waiting for you once the instructor yells “final sprint!” That watch face may be little, but that light can be a mega distraction to everyone around you.

4. There’s no excuse for not racking your weights properly.

This is ultimate laziness, especially since the weights couldn’t be in a more easy-to-organize format, TBH. Go on, and put the 15-pounder in the 15-pound slot.

5. Never listen to music without headphones.

It’s cool that you’re into listening to loud hip-hop while you work out, but not everyone needs to be up to speed on your latest playlist.

6. There’s no need for a full face of makeup.

Let your skin breathe! This is a place to work out, not a fashion show. Exert any actual effort, and you can immediately kiss that glam goodbye.

7. Don’t hover over someone who isn’t finished with their set yet.

There is a whole gym here, people. If someone is in the middle of using the piece of equipment you want to use, find something else to do until they’re done. It’s really not that difficult.

8. Don’t leave your belongings on a bench to claim it as yours, then walk away.

If you’re hoping to stake your claim on a particular piece of gym equipment, look into how much it costs on Amazon, and start saving your pennies.

9. Don’t hit on someone wearing headphones.

Headphones are the ultimate don’t-eff-with-me indicator. Save your game for the smoothie bar, and let a lady sweat (and jam out) in peace.

10. No staring.

This is a fitness facility, not a movie theater. If you’re too busy focusing on what someone else is doing, you’re certainly not giving your workout the attention it deserves.

11. Try not to grunt too loudly.

Shun the grunt. Even when it feels really, really hard, the gym is not a place to showcase your American Idol-worthy vocals.

12. Save the selfies for your own mirror.

Looking swole is cool and all, but the gym is for working out—not photoshoots. Extra penalty points for taking selfies that showcase other gym-goers.


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