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These 7 Habits Make You Look Much Older Than You Actually Are

Our skin starts getting fine lines and wrinkles sometimes as soon as our early 20s. Then, they can become much more obvious during our 30s and 40s. As we continue getting older, our skin starts to get a bit looser and may begin to sag. Many women turn to creams and lotions to try to “fix” their appearance, while others just embrace it.

If you want to take an all-natural route to keep yourself looking young and healthy, try changing some of your daily habits.


Exfoliating is a good thing to do from time to time, as it prevents dead skin cells from building up, but if you do it too often, it can be detrimental to your skin. If you exfoliate with particularly harsh products or scrub really hard, you can expose new skin cells to the elements, which can make your skin look more aged and fragile.

Forgetting to wear sunscreen every day

It’s essential for people to wear sunscreen every single day, especially if you’re going to be spending any time outside. If you don’t wear sunscreen year-round, you run the risk of getting sun damage and skin cancer. Not only can you get scary melanomas from the sun, it can also make your skin look tough and leathery.

Not eating nutrient-rich foods

Throughout life, our skin is exposed to a lot of things: sun, wind, water, and more. While our skin is prepared to deal with the elements, it can protect itself from damage even better if you consume nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.

Not getting enough sleep

We all know that not getting enough sleep can make our eyes puffy and give us dark circles, but it can also have more long-term effects on our skin. Sleep is the time when your skin gets to repair itself, so if you don’t get enough shut eye, your skin suffers as well.

Not drinking enough water

Drinking water has many benefits, including making you more energetic and helping you lose weight, but it can also have a huge impact on your skin. Many of us apply lotion to hydrate our skin, but staying hydrated from the inside is the best way to have youthful, glowing skin.

Eating too much sugar

Most of us know that eating too much sugar can cause us to gain weight, but it can really affect your appearance as well. Consuming too much sugar can lead to inflammation and acne, which can make your skin look more aged.

Smoking cigarettes

Almost everyone knows that smoking cigarettes can have a bad effect on your lung health, but it can also greatly impact your skin. Smoking tobacco can also lead to having looser skin, more wrinkles, bigger eye bags, and jowls.


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