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9 Surprising Causes of Constipation You Shouldn’t Ignore

Photo by dolgachov from Envato

5. You are getting too much fiber

Fiber is the best remedy to relieve constipation, but, overdosing on it can desensitize your stomach lining, making it less responsive to signals to evacuate, Dr. Iqbal explains. This is especially true when people are getting mega doses of fiber from supplements like pills or powders rather than from whole food sources. Skip the fiber pills. Not only is there little scientific evidence to show they work, but they may be working against you, at least in the poop department.

A review of studies published in the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners shows that although fiber supplements can appear to be a healthy way to increase fiber intake, most don’t provide any of the health benefits associated with a high‐fiber diet.


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