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10 Myths About Diabetes You Should Stop Believing

Myths 5: People With Diabetes Go Blind / Lose Their Legs

Yes, it is true that people with diabetes can go blind and suffer from amputations. But that happens only if they don’t control it. A person who takes proper care of their condition and control it accordingly will NEVER be exposed at such risks!


2 thoughts on “10 Myths About Diabetes You Should Stop Believing”

  1. I see this as an encouragement for people with diabetes not to worry about eating sugar and carbs. I consider this an absolutely irresponsible statement!
    We probably can consider that it is not realistic trying to completely eliminate sugar and carbs, but a strong effort is recommended and should be made to reduce its intake to a minimum.

  2. Great and important information! These facts and others like it should be in every Doctors office! We are being led to believe something different then whay you are suggesting. Thank you for the information!

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