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Top 10 Healthiest Fast Food Restaurants in the U.S.


Among the big burger-based chains, McDonalds is leading the way in overhauling its menu to offer more heart- and waist-friendly fare. Take the Happy Meals, which you can order with a side of apple dippers (with low-fat caramel) instead of fries and low-fat milk or fruit juice instead of soda. (Now the trick is just getting your kid to go for them!) And if youve gotta have fries, McDonalds are made in a healthy canola-blend oil and come in at just 230 calories for a small.

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3 thoughts on “Top 10 Healthiest Fast Food Restaurants in the U.S.”

  1. this is a very good idea as long as all the other ingredients are healthy, and the price is a little cheaper than the full servings.

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