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10 Causes of Dry Eye and What to Do About Them

You spend too much time on the computer 

Yet another reason not to stay glued to the computer (or video game or Smartphone) for too long: It can cause your eyes to dry out. Why? “Using the computer significantly decreases the blink rate and that’s how you lubricate your eyes,” says Cushing.

Blinking, which happens an average of 10 to 15 times a minute (roughly every four seconds), keeps the eyes moist with the proper balance of tears, oil, and mucus.

Blinking less often means tears evaporate more quickly. This can also occur with other activities involving intense concentration and focus such as reading, driving, or even sewing.


2 thoughts on “10 Causes of Dry Eye and What to Do About Them”

  1. I had dry eyes due to cataracts. Eyedrops relieved the itchiness, and even helped improve vision a little bit. But ultimately, surgery was the answer.

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