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Goji Berry – The Best Snack for People With Diabetes

Goji berry has been used in the traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. This superfood a.k.a. wolfberry grows on a bush and is native to Asia. These berries have a bright red-orange color and the taste is sweet and a little bit sour. The best part of these berries is that you can consume them dried, raw or cooked. They are super tasty and rich in fibers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This tiny berry is a big fighter against many diseases.

Good for your eyes

In the goji berry is found an antioxidant, which contains zeaxanthin that can improve your vision naturally. According to a study conducted in Switzerland consuming dietary supplements with goji berries for about 90 days leads to less yellow deposits under your retina, which can lead to muscular degeneration in the eye.

Cancer prevention

These berries are beneficial for cancer prevention. According to a study, goji berries can help you fighting against cancer. Researchers discovered that the extract of the goji berry can stop cancer cells from spreading in your body.

General condition

A study from Phoenix, USA shows that the effects of intake of goji berry juice can improve your general condition. Researchers said that if you consume goji berry juice for two weeks, your general condition will be improved. Also, is very good for your gastrointestinal functions.

People with diabetes

These berries are helpful for people with diabetes, because they have a low glycemic index. So, goji berries are perfect for a snack, if you have diabetes. They won’t fasten your blood sugar levels on the contrary, goji berry is a super food for reducing blood sugar levels.

Good for your skin

They are rich in antioxidants, so goji berries can prevent skin cells from being damaged. An animal study proved that drinking goji berry juice protects skin from UV radiation damage. So, as we said, goji berries are an amazing super food source of essential amino acids and vitamins.


2 thoughts on “Goji Berry – The Best Snack for People With Diabetes”

    1. Hi, Terry! I think you can find them at local grocery store – just ask around in your neighbourhood! They should also be available at Walmart or on Amazon. Have a great day!

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