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11 Super Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

Photo by Sentelia from Shutterstock

Learn to preserve

Food preservation techniques like pickling and fermenting have been used for thousands of years, but sadly, it’s not for everybody. If you’re not really a fan of all the things the preservation process implies, you don’t have to do it; you can always buy fermented or pickled products from the grocery store.

However, if the idea of preserving foods sounds reasonable to you, fermenting and pickling are not the only methods used to make certain foods last longer. Drying, canning, curing, and freezing (the easiest one) are also good options.

Plus, these methods don’t have to be boring… Create a group of friends who don’t enjoy fermenting or pickling either and use one of these food preservation techniques together in a given day. Time will fly while making fun of how “time-consuming” pickling can be.


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