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8 Things You Shouldn’t Put Yourself Through

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Self-waxing at home

This topic is quite controversial because some people think that the safest and most hygienic thing is to wax yourself at home where everything is disinfected and clean, but times have changed and you have the same conditions at the beauty salon as well. 

So, in this case, you can choose what makes you feel more comfortable. However, you should take into consideration that self-waxing can be really difficult if you don’t have skills in this domain. Instead, you can try to wax your legs at home but avoid other sensitive areas.  

“It takes a lot of practice to wax your own legs and it is always nice to have the chance of getting pro help if something goes wrong,” said Flanagan.


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Don’t try to fix plumbing or electrical problems on your own

Plumbing and electrical problems should be fixed by experts! If you don’t want to endanger your life or home, then try to hire an expert to solve such problems. 

“Plumbing systems are [an] area in which maintenance work should, most times, be handled by licensed professionals, no matter how easy certain fix-it tasks might appear in a DIY plumbing advice manual,” says Doyle James, president of Mr. Rooter Plumbing. “They require perfection, and even the slightest error could set everything off balance.”

Even if you think that the problem is easy to fix, in reality, things are different. For example, fixing a sink can be very ” difficult to find out exactly where the problem is unless you take the pipes apart, and this can be a very risky undertaking.” So, let the pros do their job. 

“As a master electrician, I would advise you to not try and repair any of the electrical fittings at home unless you are trained at that sort of a thing,” says David Walter of


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