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8 Natural Ways to Boost Your Mood

Photo by George Rudy from Shutterstock

Feeling depressed lately? Maybe your serotonin levels are feeling suppressed which might be making you depressed too. And even if it is considered a natural mood stabilizer, this chemical (serotonin) can affect many things in your body, not just your mood. For instance, did you know that serotonin is associated with your bowel movements?

Normal serotonin levels translate to a healthy digestive system, so you better boost “the good” chemicals found in your intestines, if you want a flat stomach. Besides, serotonin plays a crucial role in getting the right amount of sleep, because it stimulates specific parts in our brains that control our sleep.

So, your good night’s sleep (or not) from last week could be due to a serotonin receptor. However, you should know that serotonin is good for our overall health as long as we keep its levels within a certain range. High serotonin levels are actually linked to a higher risk of developing osteoporosis.

Even one of the four ingredients of happiness has its pitfalls… Fortunately, with a simple blood test, your doctor can measure your serotonin levels. To make things clear, the normal range for serotonin levels in your blood should be somewhere between 101 and 283 nanograms per milliliter.

If your doctor finds out that your serotonin levels are way too low, here are some natural ways to boost them in order to enjoy their proven health benefits!


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