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7 Negative Effects of Coffee You Didn’t Know About

Coffee, Stress and Tension

Drinking coffee can promote the release of the stress hormones cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These chemicals can increase your heart rate of your body, tension levels and blood pressure. We tend to associate coffee with a boost but for many of us this is a kind of jittery tension. Turning on the stress hormones with coffee when you are eating also interferes with the digestive process. Caffeine in coffee is well-known to interfere with GABA metabolism. The neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid that is involved in regulating mood it has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

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2 thoughts on “7 Negative Effects of Coffee You Didn’t Know About”

  1. very interesting article about coffee. It sure counteracts the other stories how 2-3 cups is actually good for you. Question: Is age a factor in any of these stories? How can I really find the truth or is it that science does not really know and whether it is based on assumptions. I am aged 83 and average 3-4 cups in summer and 4-7 in winter. I mainly drink more to keep warm in winter, and have noticed an increase in gas problems. Of course, I should quit altogether but it is hard to find a hot drink without putting weight on in the winter. However, I have discovered hot cider which is very tasty.

  2. Interesting I read an article on this website just before this that advocated drinking coffee for health benefits, then this one that warns coffee is bad for your health. Seems idiotic but then health professionals keep waffling back and forth on everything claiming it is bad for you then good for you then bad for you again. Seems like everything is carcinogenic but then in the animal tests they run, first animals do not react to things like humans (chocolate, garlic anyone?) and second, the amount they give these animals is abnormally high so what an average amount a human would take in may not harm them at all. I mean the test for saccharin had the rats taking in what would amount to 125 bottles of diet soda a day and I don’t know any human who could take in that amount of soda and not die of fluid volume overload.

    Guess I’ll just stick to what I like or feel is good for me and forget the rest. Health professionals opinions are quite bipolar.

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