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8 Dangerous Health Symptoms People Often Overlook

While all of us can recognize symptoms that warrant a visit to the emergency room, there are less obvious health symptoms that are really easy to miss. “Some people are in denial and don’t want to assume the worst,” explains Dr. Jonathan Kerr, a family physician at Belleville Queen’s University Family Medicine Centre in Belleville, Ont.

Our bodies can signal many not-so-obvious symptoms and it’s our job to understand them. “In many cases, elongated symptoms without action can lead to serious dangers to your health,” says David Greuner, MD, NYC Surgical Associates. Spot the following signs before it’s too late! 

Photo by stokkete from Envato

Sudden fatigue

When you think about a heart attack, the first thing that pops into your mind is probably a searing heart pain. However, Michelle C. Reed, DO, suggests that for many people—especially women—the symptoms can be much more subtle.

So, when you experience sudden fatigue, it could be more than just a lack of sleep. “A lot of times, women do not have the crushing pain in the chest, sweating, dizziness and nausea,” she explains. “It can start as fatigue and feeling tired.”

Almost any medical condition can make you tired, and we all experience tiredness at times, but, if this feeling isn’t relieved by adequate sleep and rest, maybe something more serious is going on. Please talk to your doctor if this symptom doesn’t go away.

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