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11 Body Odors You Shouldn’t Ignore


Rotten-egg breath

If a floss, brush, or piece of minty gum can’t cut the odor, you may have a bacterial infection, Dr. Segal warns. A common bacteria called H. pylori that can take up residence in your digestive system could be to blame.

For some, the bacteria doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms; for others, it can lead to GERD, celiac disease, stomach ulcers, and even gastric cancer. Your doctor can test you for the bug; antibiotics can wipe it out.

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but what about the dentist?…..


12 thoughts on “11 Body Odors You Shouldn’t Ignore”

  1. I am concerned, because I have early stage Parkinson’s, moderate? kidney function. a huge hiatal hernia with witch I am working to avoid surgery. My DNA says that I do not absorb drugs well, so I have to take double of everything, When Demoral and Valium were used for colonoscopies, it took 100mg demoral and 10 of Valium, IV to knock me out. I need to check with neurologist as I am on NuPro and check with nephrologist. I am an ex F&R volunteer, but quit when my daughter was murdered… I am told I have PTSD…You are lucky I am not naming everything…..BTW, if you have a cheaper package, I don’t need cook books, etc, as I am in an assisted living home. Love to Australia.

  2. yea we have a very bossy woman at work she hasn’t been there long, not long enough to get the idea of how we do things but she is dead set she is going to take over. she has a body odor problem, smells like the smell you get from being downwind of a fish canneries gut pile! she is rather large ok obese and keeps trying to pick up the guys at work, the one that went for it had red bumps all over him a bit later, I think she is a demoncrap as well, Think I should be concerned? and Oh No I am not getting near this creature!

    1. Yeah Bill…you should be concerned; concerned that maybe you should reexamine your misogynistic attitude, your opinion of people based on their looks, and your hateful perception of people strictly based on their possible political affiliation. But, no…you shouldn’t be concerned about a woman getting near you.

  3. BODY ORDOR, celiac, crohn’s, colitis, ulcerative colitis a natural treatment (PINE NUT OIL) see FEET ORDOR, Soak feet in (BRAGG’S APPLE CIDER VINEGAR) mix w/water.
    UNDER ARM PERSPIRATION, could be Emotional or LIVER DETOX.


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