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15 Signs You’re Vitamin C Deficient

Photo by Subbotina Anna from Shutterstock

11. Poor immunity

Nowadays, having a strong immune system is more important than ever, and yet, we are still unable to accomplish that. Vitamin C is as essential as vitamin D when it comes to boosting the immune system. Your immunity cannot banish disease-causing pathogens with an adequate amount of vitamin C.

Therefore, a deficiency could translate to a higher risk of infection. In fact, people with scurvy, a health condition caused by severe vitamin C deficiency, increase their chances of dying from an infection due to their poor immunity.

12. Stubborn iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia and vitamin C are twins. In the vast majority of cases, they occur together.

The signs of iron deficiency anemia are many, but the most common ones include extreme tiredness, paleness, dry hair and skin, unbearable headaches that often come all of a sudden, difficulty breathing, and, of course, spoon-shaped nails.

See also: My Chest Hurts. Could I Be Anemic? (8 Silent Symptoms of Anemia)

We actually like to think that they act just like twins because low levels of vitamin C often lead to iron deficiency anemia. So, if you find yourself having some of the signs and symptoms mentioned above, it may be time to check your vitamin C levels. (You can do so with a simple blood test.)

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