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7 Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Doctors Want Us to Know

Photo by hedgehog94 from Shutterstock

After dealing with an unprecedented year like 2020, we finally see some rays of sunshine due to the development of COVID-19 vaccines. The vaccines, namely Pfizer and Moderna, have been authorized in our country, and the vaccination has already begun. In fact, Dr. Anthony Fauci said quite recently that they are administrating almost half a million injections a day.

Both vaccines require two doses, the last one being administrated almost four weeks after the first one. And if you’re wondering why you need to take two doses, infectious disease expert Dr. John A. Sellick D.O. explained that to us. He said that the first dose primes the immune system, while the second one boosts it in order to give high-level protection.

Vaccination is crucial to put an end to this pandemic that has forced us to change so many aspects of our lives, but, nevertheless, a question is still popping into our heads every single time we think about it.

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78 thoughts on “7 Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Doctors Want Us to Know”

    1. I’ve already received the first of two shots. My arm is sore at the injection sight. So far as of the day after that is the only side affect.

  1. You left one out, though not serious. Thirst. Dry mouth occurred. I was told this. And other than that, no other affects from shot 1

    1. I felt dizzy and needed to hold on but still fell down having a sore back oh left shoulder. This was my 2nd Pfizer injection

      Anyone felt dizzy like this.

  2. 1st shot l didn’t have of the signs I felt fine no problems. Very glad I got the shot!!! Waiting for the second one!!!!

  3. My husband and I received the Pfizer-Biontechs Covid-19 vaccine. We’re gladden, no dude effects noted. Hoping the 2nd one will be without any dude effects too, and getting ready for it in 10 days. 🙏

    1. How in the world do you get on the schedule for the vacine. My husband got a text inviting him to schedule for his vacine he asked about me getting scheduled and they said at the time its only for their patients its at Methodist and he had a procedure done in the past so is considered a patient. Help

  4. I won’t take the vaccine at this time because I have COPD. i don’t need to be even shorter of breath as a side effect.

    1. You’ll be even shorter of breath when you are dying of covid. My uncle had prefect lungs. Never smoked. Covid destroyed his lungs completely and caused pneumothorax (a hole in his lung). Not even the ventilator could save him.. He went from perfect to dead in 2 weeks. Get the shot!

  5. I’m 74. And 3 x strokes Diabeties 40+ years. First shot 1 week ago. No sides effect Shot + 2 coming up. Pfizer. Let’s see how it goes

    1. I got the two shot series with Moderna. I felt terrible after #2–no fever, chills, etc. but what I would call “The Great Misery.” My arm never really hurt but I developed a rash on my arm that looked like Shingles which I had had in that same arm years ago. I know this virus doesn’t cause shingles itself, but the vaccination process does affect the immune system. The Israeli doctors have documented a number of cases of shingles immediately after the vaccination. I felt sick like I did with shingles too. Us Docs so far are not thinking shinles outbreaks could be caused by the shot, but I’m not convinced and my Dr. is interested in doing further research. My son also had an outbreak that was shingles-like on one side of his shoulders and back–typical of shingles. You can find the Israeli info online if you are interested. My husband still has extreme fatigue two months after last shot and energy level much reduced even doing yard work. Not saying don’t get it, but be aware it can be life changing.

  6. I got the first Moderna vaccine last night. My arm is really sore than is all. Normally shots do not bother me at all.
    I am so happy that I got the first one out of the way!!
    The process was extremely expedient and professional!!
    Way to go Orange County Florida Convention Center!!
    Awesome Job!!!
    Many Thanks!!!
    An over 65 with health issues

    1. Daughter got first moderna arm red swollen at injection site lymph nodes under that arm now 2 on side of her neck and all of three areas hot to touch

    2. I forgot to mention that I had extreme headaches and they some are saying they had pain relief from Tylenol or Advil, but my Dr. and a niece who is a physician at May both cautioned against taking meds right before shot or in the weeks between the shots or two weeks after the last one as it may impair the immune response. Might want to get a good ice bag before your shots if you are headache prone as I am.

    1. I agree 100%. In 15 or 20 years there will be a class action suite against these companies for killing people. Your body and mind can do amazing things if you know how.

      1. No class action lawsuits, they have no responsibility attached to anti of the side effects! None!! Because it was a Pandemic! They needed it fast! Never done before! I believe that was the agreement!

  7. I can’t wait to get mine. I keep calling and only get that it is full and to keep trying. I would like to know why Broward has plenty of the vaccine but not Dade County. It is not fair.

  8. People are too trusting of a vaccine that
    was developed in so little time. If you are
    healthy, why mess with that?! Scientists
    don’t even know what the effects will be
    to your body down the line. I have heard
    of some deaths due to this vaccine., but
    you do not hear of them on the news. Be
    honest…the vaccine makers are not even
    liable if something bad happens to you.

    1. I read an article on a reputable medical website that gave the background on the development of this vaccine. Scientists have been working on a vaccine for the coronavirus for nearly a decade because of SARS -which is caused by a coronavirus. So you might say they already had the foundation for the vaccine. The article named the scientists who were working on it and what labs they worked for and where.
      I too thought it was really quick and was skeptical about taking it. I’m not as concerned now. I’m thinking about getting the vaccine but it is not available in my rural area yet. I have never even got a flu shot before but am considering this one.
      Each person has to make their own decision based on their own research, health and circumstances, etc. ……… take care & stay safe

      1. I read an article that said after they tested the vaccine on SARS patients too many of them started dying and so they stopped the trials.
        I’ve had flu shots 2 different times and got the flu bad with both. My dr thought I should not get it and I really don’t want to.
        Yes it was too rushed….because we have a hurry up society now and people can’t wait on or for anything anymore…..
        Each person needs to take their health care into their own hands.

  9. I haven’t received the shot yet but my family and I are definitely going to take it. There are side effects from the flu shot but I still take it every year.

  10. I think all of the side effect are worth the effort of getting us back to a “New Normal” after this pandemic. I have had nothing, but arm soreness with the vaccine that I have taken. We owe it to our families and others we care about to be protected from this Covi virus. I urge you to get out of your “Comfort Zone” and help yourself and others by taking the vaccine when it is available to you.

  11. If only all could get their act together on the distribution, it might help!
    They should have rolled it out on even a more narrow basis.
    1A, 1B: Nursing homes, people over 80, then 75, then 70, then 65, and underlying conditions. Starting out at 65+ causing Millions of people calling around the clock hundreds of times, only to never get through!!!
    Websites no better, due to limited supply that’s taken up in minutes!
    Would Love to get vaccine, even with all of these side effects! Wife depressed over it, & won’t get better until has vaccine. Solve distribution NOW.

  12. Dr Fauci , not certain I trust this guy . He has made to many reversals in what he says about the flu . It’s nothing to worry about , it is something to be concerned about . Wear a mask , don’t wear a mask . This and the fact that he is not an infectious disease but an rather immunology . I am thinking his wishy washy approach has caused many to get sick . That and he seems to blow which ever way the wind blows .

  13. Not ready. I think it was rushed. I have a serious disease which is Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am alone, no family or friends. If I get too sick, I will be in serious trouble. I am immuno-compromised with the meds I take, plus my overactive immune system. I wouldn’t feel safe to do the two injections. So far it sounds disorganized, and I want to wait for more data to be studied. What long-term effects do these vaccines have. I need more information explaining how to handle side effects when alone.

  14. Yes I’ll get vaccine as soon as it’s available. I’m 72, health issues, been isolated since this started. I’m also a retired RN but can’t get vaccine yet. Distribution is ridiculously slow.

    1. I am 71 with terminal cancer. Low immune system because of chemo so scared to try the vaccine. I would like to keep in touch with you see if you do ok after you take them.

  15. There is nothing to be afraid of, the injection is painless, obvious arm soreness for a couple of days, I have had no side effects, and can’t wait for the second one. Please don’t listen to scary rumors , that is all they are believe me. The injections will help immunize you body to the virus. I have lost three dear family members to the virus, and it was an ugly and lonely way to die. Please take the vaccine when offered. Native people should contact their local Indian health Clinic.. especially those who are 75+. They are mandated by government treaties.

    1. Got my first shot two days ago. Minor soreness at injection site yesterday, today soreness is almost completely gone. Pfizer vaccine.

  16. Patricia Atchison

    Got Pfizer shot 1 on January 7th. Mild sore arm. My second is scheduled for January 26th – any side effect that I may suffer, is a small price to pay and ever so much better than Covid.

  17. I have had both injections for the Mardna vaccine. Ist injection no problems, 2nd first 24 hours I was very tired, chills and low grade fever, could barely lift my arm . Woke up the next morning feeling, the injection site was red, hot and swollen, Next day are is good. All symptoms were handled between Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I would encourage anyone who wants to get vaccinated to do it.

  18. Had both vaccines….74 years old….sore arm both time, but not bad….was told eighty per cent of people have chills and fever day after second shot….so plan to stay home……I got up day after shot….cleaned house all day(was that one of the side effects…Ha)….and felt great…..I am a caretaker for several people and one had her first shot….had both arms sore the day afterwards….and in pain for two weeks now…took to Dr. and she said was inflammation and arthritis….does not know if shot set them off, but started day afterwards….taking Advil for two weeks and exercising and then if not better will go to get cortisone shot……Dr. does not think shot caused it……anyway next week take this 85 year old for her second shot and she is hesitant about taking it… we will see…..I had no problems….thank goodness…..

  19. Dry Mouth should be listed as I experienced it. The tongue and mouth were extremely dry with a metallic taste. Food and drinks didn’t taste quite right. I thought I had onset Covid. Drinking water helped a little. Slept very little and when I awoke felt like wallpaper in my mouth. Lasted about 36 hours. No temperature and physically felt normal. Stomach was in knot but could have been anxiety since this effect was not listed. As effect subsided saliva returned and food and drinks tasted great! My wife had no effect! Not looking forward to second but will do anyway. To those afraid so was I. After going through all the procedure and effect I have a feeling of being liberated! Hopefully all goes well with the second as I started looking forward to things I used to do. Hope this helps.

  20. Had my 1st dose 3 weeks ago. Sore arm for 2-3 days but tolerable. #1 on 2/1 my day off is the following day so have time to rest. So glad to get the vaccine.

  21. I got my 1st Moderna shot on Jan 19th. A day later, I had chills, & my neck on the right side swelled up so I could hardly swallow. I went to ER. They did x-rays & CT-scan. Found that my Thyroid was swelled up over 15mm caused by the vaccine it said & also, my salivatory gland was full of stones.
    I did get one out of the tube from the gland to under my tongue on the size of a dime & 5 dimes high.
    I’m still fighting the pain & the problems. Been back to my P.C. Dr. 2 times. Now set up to see an E.N.T. Dr. get the rest of the stones out of my glands.
    I was a healthy 85-year-old man till this happened. Even my Dr says NOT to get the 2nd shot.
    Moderna hurried this vaccine to fast to compete with Pfizer for the $$$.

    1. I love your answer. Makes much more sense than being experimented on, even our kids are being used as guinea pigs like adults, but kids come on when is this insanity going to end?

  22. From page 1: “And if you’re wondering why you need to take two doses, infectious disease expert Dr. John A. Sellick D.O. explained that to us. He said that the first dose primes the immune system, while the second one boosts it in order to give high-level protection.”.
    That is NOT an explanation about WHY two doses are necessary. It is an explanation regarding what the result of each injection is, assuming it is correct.
    There seems to be a reason two injections are given at different times, up to four weeks apart. Otherwise why not combine the two injections into one? The term “doses” implies that each of the two injections is the same, but they clearly are not, even with the explanation I’ve quoted. An explanation for the two injections I’ve seen is the first injection teaches the body how to create anti-bodies to fight COVID-19, and the second is similar to standard flu vaccines. The second injection contains weakened, non-deadly COVID-19 virus components that the body is now able to create anti-bodies against, thanks to the first injection. If that explanation is correct, we could call the “explanation” provided in the article a very dumbed-down one.

    1. I question the latter explanation as there are only synthetic imitations of the virus contained in it. That is what has been promulgated in the press. You wrote: “An explanation for the two injections I’ve seen”. Seen where? Sources are important with information.

  23. My husband, 84, and myself, 78, received the first Moderna vaccine on January 20th. We thank the Lord that we had minimal side effects, slightly sore arm was tolerable, no worse than any other shot. Sadly, my brother 79, and three friends about my age, all passed away last March from Covid, not being able to be comforted by family, surrounded by machines and caring health care workers, who were living in fear of getting the virus themselves, and many of whom have since lost their lives caring for others! God bless all of the Doctors and nurses! Heart-wrenching experience for health care workers, the patients and the families. Also, we have “personally” known 14 other cases, both family and friends who have had Covid-19, but who survived. Several had extremely bad experiences, one especially, a niece who said that it was so terrible that for 6 days she asked God to take her, the pain unbearable. Several others, months after having Covid-19, still have health problems, among them, fatigue, headaches, and the loss of sense of taste and smell has not returned! My advice: The risk of getting the shot, even with possible, however usually minimal, side-effects, seems much better than taking the risk of getting the Covid-19!!!! Possibly being a little miserable, usually for only a couple of days, far outweighs the experiences related by family and friends who have had Covid-19. The most extreme sadness will continue for those who didn’t live to relate their experience!

  24. I had the first dose 2 weeks ago. Since then I’ve had daily fatigue, chills and on and off headache and sore throat. Almost afraid to get 2nd dose if the effects are worse.

  25. Stop the “NEW” Normal talk. That is ridiculous. If this vaccine works, it will bring us back to NORMAL!! Like before this was sprung on us. Why must things be different? That’s the fundamental changes the bad guys have pushed. Lockdowns and closures and government handouts don’t ever need to be a part of our future.

  26. I got the pfizer vaccine yesterday. About 20 minutes after I got the shot, I started itching all over and my tongue went numb. I took a benadryl and symptoms lessened a little bit, but when I woke up this morning, my tongue still feels weird. I called my doctor’s office and they said no one except me has reported these symptoms. Should I take the second dose?????

  27. I am willing to get the Covid vaccine. As a retired RN, with an active license, I am willing to work at a Covid vaccination clinic even as a volunteer. I just can’t find any place to volunteer.

  28. Got the second vaccination yesterday. Soreness at the injection site both times. A tad bit of nausea after the first dose and more significant nausea this morning lasted until lunch time. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I’m very grateful to have gotten the vaccination series. I’m a firm believer in vaccines and recommend getting it as soon as it’s available in your area from legitimate sources. Avoid internet scams and get the vaccine from your local health department or pharmacy that has been given an allocation to distribute. We have lost too many to this pandemic. Let’s all work together .

  29. Read an article about a doctor contracting and dying from thrombocytopenia shortly after receiving his shot and a female patient exhibiting very severe symptoms of thrombocytopenia after her vaccination
    I am 92, I have thrombocytopenia and I am very concerned about getting the vaccine, looking forward to 93 and receiving a safer vaccine.

  30. Cheryl,
    Before you make a comment you should know how to spell (Dr. Anthony Fauci)
    I have 100% trust in the doctor since science changes every day. it all has to do with the data he receives. More I can say who was the past GOP President WHO DID NOTHING. this is why were in the situation were in. Now we have a real PRESIDENT BIDEN who will make it happen.
    No personal

    1. 1st; Cheryl, making the blanket statement that Dr. Fauci lies all the time is simply silly.
      2nd; Sam, Operation Warp Speed was initiated under the past president, which enabled the vaccine to be available to the masses in an expedited amount of time. That’s doing something.

      My point is, it is difficult to objectify when one’s subjective and bias opinions just further divide, with politics being the wedge.

      Let’s see what the future holds in store for us.

  31. My husband and I have had both of our shots, the last one being taken last Friday. We are 76 and 75 respectively and have neither one experienced much discomfort. The shots, themselves, were very easy. You almost didn’t feel when you got stuck. My arm got very sore, but the application of heat eased that quickly. Overall, I was scared because of all the negative remarks I had heard, but I figured after taking a regular flu shot for about 40+ years and still being alive, what the heck! We are glad it’s over and hope this is all we have to do as our part in fighting this horrible virus!

  32. No I will not get the vaccine this is to much of a rush i have to see how people will react first so far not pleased yet.

  33. Have had both shots. Moderna. Sore arm the first shot. No other real side effects. Less of a sore arm the second shot. Very mild fatigue for a couple days, mostly toward evening. Other than that nothing.

    1. Why are we pretending this is a vaccine when it doesn’t even keep you from getting or spreading the Covid? Is that what fear does? If so stop reassuring yourself with lies and have compassion on yourself and others wether for or against this “vaccine.” The only folks with immunity is big pharma$. Why do we divide people into vaccinated and not? The vaccinated folks may very well pose a greater threat to society because IF this “vaccine” works as it’s suppose to, it will only suppress symptoms that would otherwise have kept the infected person at home. And yes we’ve been trying to make a vaccine for COVID since SARS, ~18yrs, it’s been a colossal failure. The test animals developed antibodies, like we humans do now, except they all did very poorly, most died, when exposed to the wild virus (ADE)…essentially the “vaccine” sensitized the subjects instead of immunized them. The conclusion was NOT to progress to human trials. But now that big pharma is immune from lawsuits and we’re a herd of spooked sheep, we’re relieved to be big pharma’s human ferrets. Many people under 60 have died from COVID who were fully vaccinated. The only US reporting system CDC/FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(VAERS) has about 5,000 deaths following about 120 million vaccinations (10,000 in EU). But VAERS is known to represent only 1%-10% of the actual cases because it’s voluntary. So the number of deaths from the vaccine could be around 500,000. In 1976 we stopped the Swine flu vaccine after 45 million vaccines and 53 deaths(3-58 depending on source). Big pharmacy was not immune back then. If this vaccine is do safe, why immunize Big Pharmacy from damaging us?

  34. My husband and I feel the vaccine has not been tested long enough. In fact NO ONE will give us a vaccine as an experiment. When the FDA approved the vaccine we will get the shot. It does take some time to get a shot or vaccine approved.

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