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8 Signs You Might Need an Eye Exam Immediately

According to the report for the 2016 National Health Interview Survey, 25.5 million Adult Americans 18 and older reported experiencing vision loss. No one wants to experience vision loss, so you better prevent than treat. Take action now before is too late and call your doctor for an appointment if you’re experiencing one of these symptoms.

Photo by XiXinXing from Envato

1. Trouble seeing at night or while driving

“Night driving is the best benchmark of when your vision is starting to drop off,” says Michelle Andreoli, MD, clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).  Millions of Americans have trouble seeing at night. This happens because everyone (especially a senior person) has a harder time seeing something in the dark or in the far distance—so if your eyes are already struggling, it’ll become even more noticeable and unpleasant while driving or looking for something in the dark.

Your problem could be solved with a new glasses prescription, but, unfortunately, having difficulty seeing at night could also be a sign of something more problematic, like a cataract that’s beginning to form. An ophthalmologist will be able to assess your night vision and determine the best plan of action.

Takeaway:If you notice that you have trouble seeing clearly at night, do not hit the road after dark.

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