Can food be frozen indefinitely?
Technically, food can be frozen indefinitely without going ‘off’ as the process of freezing can stop the growth of bacteria. However, as you’ve probably witnessed yourself, as you open and close your freezer the air that circulates will eventually cause what’s known as ‘freezer burn’. Over time the foods quality, taste and texture can suffer from long term freezing and items like fat can go rancid.
Although there are a number of variables that will affect the quality of your frozen foods and subsequently it’s taste, homemade food will not last as long than foods from the market that have undergone industrial freezing processes.
The quicker you can freeze your food the less likely it is to become ice damaged and mushy. To make the process of freezing more effective it is better to freeze little and often than to add large quantities of unfrozen food to your freezer all at once.
We have provided a brief overview of how long foods can be frozen for and still taste good.