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8 Foods to Eat When You Have a Cold

A common cold is an upper respiratory tract infection which is caused by different viruses. This cold is transmitted by infected airborne droplets or by direct contact with infected secretions. Symptoms of a common cold include cough, sore throat, runny nose and sneezing.

More than 200 different types of viruses are known to cause the common cold, with rhinovirus causing approximately 30%-40% of all adult colds. Other commonly implicated viruses include coronavirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza virus.

In general, the common cold can be contagious anywhere from one to two days before the symptoms begin until the symptoms have completely resolved. However, the common cold is typically most contagious during the initial two to three days of illness. This cold is a self-limited disease that can generally be managed at home. If you a have a cold, here’s what you should eat.


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