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11 Dangerous Foods That Increase Your Diabetes Risk

Trans Fats

This ingredient is mostly found in margarines, peanut butter, spreads and many, many frozen dinners out there. You may also find them in certain brands of crackers, muffins and bakery items, so make sure to read the label!

Although trans fats don’t directly raise blood sugar levels, they’ve been linked to increased inflammation, insulin resistance and belly fat, as well as lower “good” HDL cholesterol levels and impaired arterial function.

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4 thoughts on “11 Dangerous Foods That Increase Your Diabetes Risk”

  1. Randy, In The Villages Florida

    I have CHF, COPD, along with stage 2 diabetes on a stage 3 Kidney…….The relief that I have found for clearing my own throat in the morning has been orange juice or a diet coke. Coffee or Green Tea doesn’t work.
    Yes, I used 60-65 units of insulin before breakfast and dinner. I’m a six foot tall male now weighing 254 pounds.
    I’ve only been able to lose 8 pounds in 6 months. I love seafood, and I eat a rainbow of vegetables, prefer lean
    pork and a good high protein steak now and then. Pasta is my downfall, but you threw for a loop with Fruit.

    I’m just looking for a few more years. ( 2 triple AAA, 10 stents, cart art twice)(I did smoke, but stop 11 years ago)
    Thanks for the article.

  2. You have mentioned in your worst foods everything I love. Eating is the most necessary function for life. If you can’t eat the foods you enjoy, enjoyment goes out of your life. Why don’t you tell us how much of the bad foods can we at times for our cravings.

  3. Thanks for the info. Wish my husband, who has type 2 diabetes, would read these. However, this helps with what I put on the dinner table.

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