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Simple Ways to Survive Cold Season

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year, the typical adult can expect to contract two or three colds. A general internist in New York City, Holly Phillips said that “there’s a lot you can do to drastically cut your risk of getting sick and even if you do catch a bug, you may be able to cut short the duration of your illness”.


  1. Eat yogurt for breakfast


Scientists found that people who regularly consumed probiotics or fermented foods such as yogurt and kefir had 12% fewer upper respiratory infections.


  1. Eat some mushrooms


The Journal of American College of Nutrition had published a new research, which offered evidence of their immune-boosting powers. The tested persons who ate a cooked shiitake mushroom every day for a month showed higher numbers of T cells and less inflammation. If you get enough antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies in your diet, you don’t have to worry about this.


  1. Green curry


Spices can clear your sinuses such as chilies. “They make your nose run and your eyes water, and that may provide some temporary relief from congestion,” says Dr. Phillips. Scientists found that a nasal spray made with a chemical called capsaicin, which is derived from hot peppers, rapidly improved congestion.


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