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10 Surprising Foods You Didn’t Know Were Low Calorie

Photo by from Shutterstock

Some of us have a few clues about which foods are high in calories and which are not. Well, no one so far managed to eat only kale and spinach salads, and most of us have deliberately jumped into ordering a hamburger once in a while.

But if you’re a person who cares about calories, this article will definitely put a smile on your face…or maybe will raise a lot of question marks? Anyway, if you thought that the term “caloric” equals healthy, you were wrong.

Or at least, I’m gonna prove to you it’s not always like that. Let’s see 10 foods you never would have expected to be low in calories.

  1. Kit Kats – If you feel the need for a sweet snack, Kit-Kat is a good alternative. One stick of a normal Kit-Kat bar will add up to only 54 calories.
  2. Chicken McNuggets – It depends on how many Chicken McNuggets you want to eat. But just so you know, for two tasty chicken McNugetts, you consume only 85 calories.
  3. Ketchup – If you were wondering what can you do with only 2 Chicken McNuggets, we have an alternative. For only one packet of ketchup, you consume 10 calories. Even if you’d dip your McNuggets and then yourself into a quarter cup of tasty tomato sauce, you’d still be consuming only 67 calories.
  4. Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich – If you happily finished your night out with your friends and now you’ve all decided on a night run in one all-American restaurant, you can get away with a night snack that is low in calories. Wendy’s chicken burger has only 360 calories with 34 grams of protein. And if you take off the top bun, you’ll save yourself another 110 calories.
  5. Chipotle Salad – You know you can survive a trip at the Chipotle with not so many calories on board? First, you’ll have to avoid the cheese, tortilla and guac. Secondly, try a Chipotle Salad. You can fill it with loads of healthy stuff, like black beans, fajita veggies and green tomatillo salsa.
  6. Starbucks Cappuccino – If you crave the occasional milky coffee with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top, we are here to the rescue! You should know that there’s a cappuccino at Starbucks with non-fat milk that has only 60 calories. Excuse me, can I get 4 of those, please?
  7. Champagne – We all know alcohol is a silent waist killer because it has lots of calories we’re not even thinking about. I mean, who’s thinking about calories in a Friday night out? Fortunately, Champagne comes in handy for our carelessness. A glass of champagne has only 90 calories, and to everyone’s surprise, is even better than the classical red wine!
  8. Avocado – Everyone knows avocado is a healthy fat, but this food earned its bad reputation for its caloric content. What you must know is that half of the avocado is only 160 calories, and considering the numerous benefits it has, it’s worth eating each and every calorie.
  9. Pickles – Who doesn’t put pickles and guilty pleasures in the same boat? But in reality, it is one of the lowest-calorie snacks you can ever eat. One medium-sized pickle has 7 calories.
  10. Microwave popcorn – Microwave popcorn is a popular choice when you have night cravings that you don’t want to feel sorry for the next morning. For each cup of microwave popcorn, you’re only consuming 64 calories. I mean, it’s really not that bad. But you can make it worse, as you have tons of options when it comes to topping!

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