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This Inspiring Story Proves That Anyone Can Lose Weight Easily

We all want to reach our goals in life and some stories inspire us to make them. So, fake it ‘til you make it! “I wanted to live a healthier and more active life and I finally realized that the only way to make that happen was if I got up and put in the effort,” Gunner Cargile told Yahoo’s Weight Loss Win. Cargile followed some healthy guidelines and two amazing easy habits that anyone can do.  This man was overweight as long as he could remember, so he decided to change his life. In the first four months he lost 40 pounds and his results were fantastic: he lost 156 pounds within one year. “Physically, I felt like a new person,” said Cargile.

Cargile is a drummer and his biggest motivation was music, that kept him motivated. In the beginning he only ate rice, chicken, salad, protein shake mixes and eggs and the rules were no sugar, no salt and no bread. Here are his two easy habits that maked him lose weight:

  1. Walking 6 days a week

Walking provides significant health benefits along with weight loss and also can prevent high blood pressure. There are a lot of benefits by frequent walking. What are you waiting for?

  1. Adopting a vegetarian diet

When Cargile noticed his huge progress, he began replacing chicken with vegetables and protein sources. Plenty of studies are supporting vegetarian diets in order to aid weight loss. Brie Turner-McGrievy, Ph.D., an associate professor at the University of South Carolina, followed 63 people on vegan, vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, and omnivorous diets. Vegans and vegetarians lost an average of 8.2 to 9.9 pounds while the meat-eaters dropped an average of 5.1 pounds over eight weeks.


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