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Top 15 Cholesterol Busting Foods

Photo by Anna Shepulova from Shutterstock

Cholesterol is a waxy substance, similar to fat, that is produced by your liver. It’s vital for the formation of cell membranes, vitamin D, and some hormones. Because it can’t dissolve in the water, it can’t travel through the body by itself. Eating too many foods that have high levels of fat increases the level of LDL( low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol in your blood, which is popularly known for high cholesterol.

If your levels of LDL cholesterol are too high, or the levels of HDL(high-density lipoproteins) are too low, fatty deposits can build up in your blood vessels, which can cause you heart problems or brain problems. If having high cholesterol is among your concerns, here is a list of 15 foods that will help you keep it down.

  1. Avocado – Avocados have proven to be great in improving LDL cholesterol levels, because of their monounsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Dark chocolate – Although it must be consumed in moderation, studies show how dark chocolate can lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.
  3. Olive oil – Swapping out the butter for olive oil can help to lower your cholesterol as well.
  4. Soy – Consuming soy protein is much more recommended than food made from soybeans.
  5. Eggplant – This vegetable can be your best friend when it comes to cholesterol levels because it is full of soluble fiber, which consumes the bile acid in your body.
  6. Pomegranate – Any form of pomegranate can help control your cholesterol by slowing its buildup.
  7. Chickpeas – Apart from being a solid source of protein, they’re one of the best options to eat if you want to lower your cholesterol.
  8. Whole-grain cereal – Research shows that women who eat a bowl of fiber-rich cereal each day have lower levels of cholesterol.
  9. Oats – The same goes for oats: a full bowl of oatmeal in the morning can help lower your cholesterol.
  10. White beans – White beans can be superstars when it comes to fighting cholesterol levels.
  11. Coconut – We can talk for hours about why coconuts are healthy for us, and one of the reasons is because they can lower the cholesterol levels in our bodies.
  12. Tart cherries – This delicious and sour variety is rich in fiber, and in anthocyanins, which is great against the risk of a heart attack.
  13. Garlic – This powerful herb that we can’t get enough of is proven to totally reduce cholesterol levels.
  14. Wild blueberries – These wild blueberries offer twice the antioxidants of regular blueberries, which is highly recommended to lower the risk of heart disease.
  15. Red onion – Although we might shed a tear or two when we cook it, this vegetable is rich in anthoxanthins, which helps lower blood pressure and speed up our metabolisms.

If you enjoyed reading this article, we also recommend you: 5 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good for Your Heart


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