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12 Strange Health Tips You Won’t Believe Are True

Photo by Kuznetsov Dmitriy from Shutterstock

You might be preoccupied with your health, and what can be done to maintain it or improve it. After a lot of research(which could basically only reinforce what you already knew), you discover that it’s highly important to lose weight, eat less, exercise more, meditate, keep a good mindset.

That you need to boost your energy levels, sleep more, drink less (alcohol), prevent dehydration. While all of these are true, sometimes a little change is always welcomed, so we figured you might like to know some odd and counterintuitive secrets on how to improve your health. After all, it still fits the purpose, right?

  1. Drink coffee to sleep better – There’s a Japanese study that proves how drinking coffee before your nap can actually improve the quality of your sleep.
  2. Don’t brush your teeth after eating – Especially after you ate a meal full of acidic foods, it’s better not to brush your teeth. Acidic foods contain enamel, which can seriously harm the teeth.
  3. To wear a smaller size, gain muscle weight – This one is also hilarious: did you know that a pound of fat is the same size as a pound of muscles? The only difference is, though, that the muscles occupy less space, so you’re probably gonna fit in those jeans if you go to the gym (but for other reasons than you thought).
  4. To eat less, eat more – Resist that temptation of eating something with carbs and try eating foods with more calories and rich in proteins.
  5. Don’t drink energy drinks when you’re tired – These drinks are made to spike your blood sugar temporarily, only to crash it soon after.
  6. Drink water when you feel bloated – There are many reasons why you might feel bloated: maybe you are dehydrated, and your body needed to keep the water already there and made you puff up, or maybe you’re on a high-fiber diet, and you needed more water to digest food.
  7. Quit diet soda if you want to lose weight – If we already tackled the subject, it’s better to stop drinking all kinds of soda, not just the diet one. No matter what the manufacturers might say, diet soda tastes just as good as the regular one, so it’s hard to believe it has no added sugars.
  8. Drink a hot beverage if you’re too hot – This one’s pretty easy: when you drink a hot beverage, your body senses a change in temperature and increases your sweat production. After that, the sweat evaporates and you cool off.
  9. Exercise when you feel tired – Studies proved how fatigue and depression improved significantly after a 30 minutes session of moderate-intensity exercises.
  10. Handwriting boosts your brainpower – By writing down the information, we’re also processing it at the same time. Which means we learn it.
  11. To have better relationships, spend time apart – Spending time apart from your friends and loved ones can actually improve your relationships. When you sit alone, you have time to process your thoughts and not act impulsively.
  12. Quit using antibacterial soap to prevent illness – There’s no valid evidence that there might be a difference between the antibacterial soap and the regular ones, so the antibacterial ones won’t necessarily prevent you from getting sick.

If you enjoyed reading this article, we also recommend you: 10 Reasons You Should Eat Like Your Ancestors


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