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7 Foods You Should NOT Eat As Leftovers

If you keep your leftovers in the fridge, they can be consumed in a few days, after that, the risk of food poisoning increases dramatically. As you probably know, food poisoning is caused by harmful germs, such as bacteria in contaminated food, and, because bacteria don’t change the taste or the smell of food, you can’t tell whether a meal is dangerous to consume.

Check out our list of leftovers that aren’t safe to eat!

Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels


“Eggs almost always contain salmonella,” says Kantha Shelke, Ph.D., a food scientist and principal of Corvus Blue LLC, a food science and research firm. The common method that is used to cook eggs is heating them for a short duration of time, which doesn’t kill the bacteria.

Also, leaving the eggs at room temperature for any length of time is the ‘perfect’ thing to do for those bacteria to multiply to harmful levels. In addition, eggs always taste better fresh and don’t take too long to scramble, so they’re probably not a food you want to save for dinner.

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1 thought on “7 Foods You Should NOT Eat As Leftovers”

  1. Thank you for amazing and knowledgeable health content. I was unaware of certain foods, e.g., fish, chicken, eggs, etc. can cause health issues if not properly handled after cooking.

    Please continue to provide valuable health information in the future.


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