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6 Scary Things Your Teeth Say About Your Overall Health

Photo by SpeedKingz from Shutterstock

Heart disease, clogged arteries, and stroke

According to some dentists, people who suffer from gum disease are more likely to develop heart diseases. Oral inflammation and infections caused by tooth bacteria have been shown to be linked to cardiovascular disease and stroke. 

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is caused by oral bacteria that attack the tissue of your teeth and may lead to tooth loss in the long run if left untreated. Other causes of gum disease may be due to hormonal changes, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, smoking, and poor oral hygiene routine. 

Unfortunately, researchers say that people who suffer from gum disease are more likely to experience a heart attack. When they analyzed and tested this hypothesis, they also controlled other important factors that could interfere with these results, like diabetes and other bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Nevertheless, the most common disease caused by this dental problem was linked to cardiovascular disease. That being said, you should never neglect your oral health regardless of any other external factors.


1 thought on “6 Scary Things Your Teeth Say About Your Overall Health”

  1. carmen j. sanchez

    thanks. very interesting information of 6 scary things your teeth say about your overall health..i’m suffer from all this kinds of symptoms..thanks again..

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