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Reduce Your Cravings With These 6 Easy Steps

Eat it less frequently

Always listen to your body! Next time you’re craving chocolate, eat it. Here’s the trick: indulge, but not as often as you normally would. A recent study observed that food cravings decreased when they were consumed less frequently at normal portion sizes; eating less of it actually had no effect on the cravings. Ultimately, you don’t necessarily have to decrease the amount you eat but how frequently you eat it.


Distract yourself

What’s the easiest way to avoid something? To “forget” about it. Although this concept normally comes into play when you “forgot” your homework at home, it can be applied to reducing cravings for junk food as well.

A study in Addictive Behaviors suggests that playing Tetris for just three minutes can drastically reduce a craving. If Tetris isn’t your forte, talking to a friend can also be a great way to steer your mind away from those nagging cravings. Out of sight, out of mind, right?


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