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15 Worst Pieces of Health Advice You Should Never Follow

Photo by Prostock-studio from Shutterstock

8. “Resting” your colon

“The worst piece of nutrition advice I have seen on the Internet is that you need to do a juice cleanse to ‘rest’ the colon and remove ‘toxins’ from the body,” says registered dietitian and podcaster Jessica Jones, MS, CDE, co-founder of Food Heaven Made Easy.

“Many of my patients who come to me after completing a restrictive cleanse report feeling weak and tired. They are typically under the impression that this fatigue and brain fog is a proof of the ‘toxins’ leaving the body,” she added.

However, in reality, their bodies aren’t functioning properly and that’s mainly because they don’t get enough calories, fat, and protein. So, to keep your colon healthy, you have to do the opposite of a juice cleanse: have plenty of fiber, pre-and probiotics such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables, soy products, and/or beans.

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