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10 Vaccine Myths You Should Completely Ignore

Photo by REDPIXEL.PL from Shutterstock

Unfortunately, even when a large number of studies have found no evidence to support the argument that vaccines can cause autism and other chronic illnesses, many parents are simply refusing to vaccinate their children.

And that’s not all. A growing number of individuals believe that vaccines are enemies of our health, not buddies. Whether through some big pharma conspiracy, a secret government plan or some modern form of eugenics, people are suspicious of something that eradicated smallpox in 1979.

That’s why we’ve created a list of the most common myths about childhood and adult vaccines.

Read on to discover them.

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2 thoughts on “10 Vaccine Myths You Should Completely Ignore”

  1. Unfortunately there are individuals who for what ever reason have made up their minds about science and the amount of work that is attributable to science and scientists. I personally do not even engage in any conversation with these types. It is not worth the effort. I use to feel sorry for these individuals now I let natural selection do it’s thing,
    Dennis P. Clark, PH.D

  2. Natural selection is what will be happening to you if you continue to allow yourself to be vaccinated. Some people become ill or even die after having a vaccination. Some people are just fine. In my opinion it is the ones that have the strong immune systems that are not affected by the vaccine. So if we would spend more time teaching people how to build strong immune systems we would not need vaccines. There are people that have had flu shots and never gotten the flu. I have never had flu shots and have never gotten the flu. So where is the proof they work or do not work? Or any other type of illness that vaccinations are pushed for. You need to study the statistics and not from a big Pharm sponsored study. Guess who wins the most by having people scared into taking vaccinations. Follow the money and maybe you will have a real picture of what is going on. Cant wait to see the hype for the corona virus. If this is a man made virus, which I suspected from the beginning, a vaccination will not be successful, but wait to see how it will be pushed even if the information does not merit such action. PS How wonderful that you do not bother to listen to anyone else’s opinion. I feel sorry for you that you are so closed minded that you are not able to consume and evaluate new ideas. We are all in this life together and all ideas are of value for someone who wishes to grow. Many scientists also believe the results of vaccines are over reported just to get the product on the shelf. Educate yourself more openly.

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