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8 Things You Should Sanitize Every Day

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Your smartphone

Cleaning your phone should be at the top of your cleaning list and you should have done this before the coronavirus pandemic, but even more so now. That being said, your phone needs to be cleaned daily as you use it every single day and can be a favorable environment for germs and viruses.

Unfortunately, many people use their phones before and after they go to the toilet, at the supermarket, in public transportation, and even after they throw out the garbage. So, all these germs will end up on the surface of your phone – and eventually – in your organism. 

“If not wiped down with disinfectant, the handling of your iPhone after being in multiple places may counteract the benefits of hand washing,” says Lucky Sekhon, MD, of Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York. “Your mouth comes in close contact with the contaminated surface leading to an increased risk of transmission of contaminants.”


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Your wallet

How often do you disinfect your purse/wallet? This is one of the items that we use very often, especially when we go shopping, but we don’t pay enough attention to them when it comes to cleaning, right? This is why your wallet could be one of the dirtiest things in your home that should be disinfected as often as possible. 

In this case, if you want to avoid bringing various bacteria and viruses into your home, all you have to do is to use a disinfecting wipe on your wallet. Pay attention to the material of your wallet and make sure that you avoid tarnishing it. 

According to cleaning expert, Dr. Beckmann, “purse/wallets are common items that people ignore when cleaning their accessories. Make sure to mix a solution of warm water and soap, then soak a cloth into the solution. Wring out the cloth and wipe the exterior surface of the item, making sure to sponge every inch and corner. Apply the same method when cleaning your credit cards, but make sure your cloth is only slightly damp. You can also wipe down your credit cards using disinfectant wipes, to reduce the bacteria and germs that may lay on the surface.”


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